The new nutcracker enables to work with high speed, basic version
What’s new about this nutcracker?
New is: the combination of minimal effort, its precision and safety, applicable for all sizes of the nuts, high working speed and unique appearance. Its technical properties excel already known
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needs minimal effort, also older persons and children can easily use it
strength can be dosed precisely until the shell cracks
the kernel is treated with care and can be kept unharmed at its best
safe in operation
all formats of nuts (from 0,5 to 5 cm) can be processed with the same long lever
highest speed of work, achieved by adjusting the tool for different sizes within seconds
unique appearance
wood of walnut tree (variants: oak, beech), high-grade steel
The new nutcracker from Nussdorf, oak, by Rudolf Schwarz, premium version
Design Versions
Nutcracker from Nussdorf, Artwork by Bertwin Pichler (inspired by „Red and Blue Chair”)
Nussknacker aus Nussdorf, von Rudolf Schwarz
„Dziadek do orzechów” z Nussdorfu gwarantuje efektywność i szybkość wykonanej usługi.
The new nutcracker from Nussdorf, by Rudolf Schwarz